B.Sc. Eng. (Moratuwa), M.Sc. (UK), Ph.D. (Ireland)
Designation :
Extension :
ruwanu@uom.lkRuwan Udayanga received the BSc Eng (Hons) degree with a Second Class (Upper Division – GPA of 3.73/4.0) from the Department of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering, the University of Moratuwa in 2002. He received an MSc in Photonics Communication from the University of Nottingham, UK in 2007 and a PhD from University College Cork, Ireland in 2011 for his study on Data Re-timing for Multi-wavelength Regeneration under the supervision of Prof. Andrew Ellis. The research investigation on Multi-Wavelength regeneration was carried out in the Photonics Systems Group, affiliated to Tyndall National Institute and University College Cork, Ireland in collaboration with many European Universities and Industrial partners.
He is currently working as a Professor in the Department of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering and Director of postgraduate studies division in the Faculty of Engineering, University of Moratuwa. He joined the Department of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering, the University of Moratuwa as a Senior Lecturer in 2011. He has served at the Department of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering as a visiting Instructor in 2002 and was employed in Dialog Telekom Plc from 2002 to 2006 held specialist in the transmission operation division.
He has published more than 35 research articles in which around 12 journal papers including Nature Photonics and holds an EU patent in the field of photonics, primarily targeted at increasing capacity, reach, and functionality in the optical layer. The total citations count of more than 1000 for his publications with an H-index of 12 and i10–index of 16. He currently manages projects investigating; simultaneous optical regeneration techniques for multiple modulation schemes, Visible Light Communication based systems for data communication, and Energy Harvesting. advanced modulation techniques for VLC systems, and the compensation of nonlinear effects for the optical regeneration and extension of transmission reach.
He is an elected Senior Member of the Optical Society of America, and an elected Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, USA. He was a Member of the Technical Program Committee (TPC) of IEEE Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MerCon) from 2015 to 2020, International Conference on Information and Automation for Sustainability (ICIAfS) 2011 and IEEE R10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (HTC) 2018, and the General Chair for IEEE MerCon of 2021. He acts as an expert reviewer for the Institute of Physics, the Journal of Applied Optics, the Optical Society of America, and the IEEE.
Curriculum Vitae
Click here to view my cv.
Doctor of Philosophy
University College Cork / Tyndall National Institute,2011 in Physics and Optical Communication
Master of Engineering
University of Nottingham,2007 in Photonics Communication
Bachelor of Science in Engineering
University of Moratuwa ,2002 in Electronic and Telecomunication Engineering
University of Colombo, Sri Lanka ,2005 in Linux/Unix System & Network administration
Australian Computer Society, Australia, 2000 in Information Technology
London Business School, Sri Lanka Branch, 2000 in Computer Hardware
Professional Affiliations
Senior Member of the Optical Society of America (OSA), USA
2021 – now
Senior Member of the Institution of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), USA
2017 – now
Member of the Institution of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), USA
Member of the Optical Society of America (OSA), USA
2016 – 2021
Student Member of the Optical Society of America (OSA), USA
2008 – 2016
Member of the Institution of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), USA
2003 – 2004
Member of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), UK
2000 – 2008
Member of the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka (IESL)
2004 – 2006
Fields of Interest
Optical/Photonics Communication Systems, Terrestrial and Satellite Communication, Network Monitoring Systems, Data Networking
Module Curriculum Development for University of Moratuwa
Undergraduate Teaching
- EN2052 – Communication System (UG) – 2012 – 2014
- EN2053 – Communication Systems and Networks (UG) – 2015 – 2022
- EN2072 – Communication I (UG) – 2012 – 2014
- EN2073 – Analog and Digital Communication (UG) – 2015 – 2022
- EN2852 – Applied Electronics (UG) – 2011 – 2014
- EN4530 – Wireless and Mobile Communications (UG) – 2014
- EN4322 – Optical Fiber Communication (UG) – 2011 – 2014
- EN4323 – Optical Fiber Communication (UG) – 2014 – now
- EN4324 – Photonic Communication Components (UG) – 2022 onwards
- EN4670 – Photonic Communication Networks (UG) – 2022 onwards
- EN2054 – Communication Systems and Networks (UG) – 2022 onwards
Postgraduate Teaching
- EN5680 – Optical Communication and Networks (PG) – 2011 onwards
- EN5650 – Microwave Communications (PG) – 2011 – 2013
Lab Practical Development for University of Moratuwa
- EN4323 – Study of optical fibers and their attenuation (UG)
- EN4323 – Optical sources and their characteristics (UG)
- EN4323 – Optical fiber splicing (UG)
- EN4323 – Optical Time Domain Reflector (OTDR) (UG)
- EN5680 – Hands on Experience for Optical fiber splicing (PG)
- EN5680 – Measurement of Fiber loss, attenuation and connector cleanliness using Optical Time Domain Reflector (OTDR) (PG)
- EN5680 – Familiarization to VPI transmission maker software (PG)
- EN5680 – Effect of Multipath Interference (MPI) in a Multimode Fiber (MMF) Link (PG)
Module Curriculum Development for Higher Education Institutes (HEI)
- EE7211 – Optical Fiber Communication (TE), Dept. of E&I, FoE, UoR
- ET9123 – Microwave, Optical & Radar Engineering, FGS, KDU
Curriculum Development for Higher Education Institutes (HEI)
- Subject Specialist/Consultant for University of Ruhuna, Faculty of Engineering
Curriculum for the subject “Optical Communication” for the University of Ruhuna. - Subject Specialist/Consultant for University of Sri Jayawardanapura, Faculty of Engineering
Curriculum for the subject “Optical Communication” for the University of Ruhuna. - Subject Specialist/Consultant for Kotalawala Defence University, Faculty of Engineering
Curriculum for the subject “Microwave, Optical and Radar Engineering” for the University of KDU. - Subject Specialist for Faculty of Engineering Technology, Open University of Sri Lanka
Curriculum for Master of Science in Computer & Communication Engineering.
Inter University Teaching
- Optical Fiber Communication (2015,2016,2017,2018) – Undergraduate Level, Dept. of Electronic & Information, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna
- Microwave, Optical & Radar Engineering (2016, 2017) – Postgraduate Level, Faculty of Graduate Studies, Kotalawala Defence University
Administrative Activities
- Director – Post Graduate Studies Division (FoE) (2018 to date)
- Convener -Higher Degrees Committee (HDC/BoS) (2015 To 2018)
- Secratary/Convener -Engineering Research Unit (ERU) (2015 To 2017)
- Training Coordinator -Training Coordinator (2012 To 2017)
- Semester Coordinator -Semester 6 and 6B Coordinator (2014 To 2017)
Honors and Awards
2011 | Best Paper Prize Award of Tyndall National Institute for a publication in OFC 2009. Awarded in 2011. |
2008–2010 | European Union (EU) PhD Scholarship |
Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) PhD Scholarship. | |
Excellence Scholarships (PhD) from University College Cork (UCC) | |
2006–2007 | Developing Solutions Taught Masters Scholarship ,University of Nottingham |
1996-1998 | Mahapola Higher Educational Scholarship (Merit) |
- Sachinthani Alahakoon, Dushani Munasinghe, Gresha S Samarakkody, Ruwan Weerasuriya, “OSNR and dispersion tolerance of FWM based optical carrier recovery scheme”, Journal of Physics Communications, Vol. 4, Issue 9, pp. 095004 (2020)
- Selwan K. Ibrahim, Stylianos Sygletos, Danish Rafique, John A. O’Dowd, Ruwan Weerasuriya, and Andrew D. Ellis,”Novel synchronous DPSK optical regenerator based on a feed-forward based carrier extraction scheme”,Optics Express, Vol. 19, Issue 10, pp. 9445-9452 (2011)
- Selwan K. Ibrahim, Stylianos Sygletos, Ruwan Weerasuriya, and Andrew D. Ellis,”Novel real-time homodyne coherent receiver using a feed-forward based carrier extraction scheme for phase modulated signals”,Optics Express, Vol. 19, Issue 9, pp. 8320-8326 (2011)
- Stylianos Sygletos, Selwan K. Ibrahim, Ruwan Weerasuriya, Richard Phelan, L. Grüner Nielsen, Adonis Bogris, Dimitris Syvridis, James O’Gorman, and Andrew D. Ellis, “Phase synchronization scheme for a practical phase sensitive amplifier of ASK-NRZ signals”, Optics Express, Vol. 19, Issue 13, pp. 12384-12391 (2011)
- P. Frascella, S. Sygletos, F.G.C. Gunning, R. Weerasuriya, L. Gruner-Nielsen, R. Phelan, J. O’Gorman, A.D. Ellis, “DPSK Signal Regeneration With a Dual-Pump Nondegenerate Phase-Sensitive Amplifier”, PTL, Vol 23, Issue 08, 2011.
- R. Weerasuriya, S. Sygletos, S. K. Ibrahim, F. Gunning, R. J. Manning, R. Phelan, J. O’Carroll, B. Kelly, J. O’Gorman, A. D. Ellis, “Comparison of frequency symmetric signal generation from a BPSK input using fiber and semiconductor based non-linear elements”, PTL, Vol 23, Issue 10, 2011.
- R. Weerasuriya, S.K. Ibrahim, G. Zarris, D. Simeonidou, A.D. Ellis and D. Cotter, “Performance characterisation of 42.65 Gbit/s dual-gate asynchronous digital optical regenerator using single MZM”, Elect.Lett, Vol 45, Issue 12, June 4 2009 Page(s):642 – 643
- R. Slavík, F. Parmigiani, J. Kakande, C. Lundström , M. Sjödin, P. A. Andrekson, R. Weerasuriya, S. Sygletos, A. D. Ellis, L. Grüner-Nielsen, D. Jakobsen, S. Herstrøm, R. Phelan, J. O’Gorman, A. Bogris, D. Syvridis, S. Dasgupta, P. Petropoulos, D. J. Richardson, “All-optical phase and amplitude regenerator for next-generation telecommunications systems”, Nature Photonics, DOI: 10.1038/NPHOTON.2010.203, (2010).
- R. Bonk, P. Vorreau, D. Hillerkuss, W. Freude, G. Zarris, F. Parmigiani, P. Petropoulos, R. Weerasuriya, S. Ibrahim, A. D. Ellis, I. Tomkos, J. Leuthold, “An All-Optical Grooming Switch for Interconnecting Access and Metro Ring Networks”, JOCN, Vol. 3 Issue 3, pp.206-214, 2011.
- G. Zarris, E. Hugues-Salas, N. Amaya Gonzalez, R. Weerasuriya, F. Parmigiani, D. Hillerkuss, P. Vorreau, M. Spyropoulou, S. K. Ibrahim, A. D. Ellis, R. Morais, P. Monteiro, P. Petropoulos, D. J. Richardson, I. Tomkos, J. Leuthold, and D. Simeonidou, “Field Experiments with a Grooming Switch for OTDM Meshed Networking”, Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol 28, Issue 4,316-327,(2010).
- P. Vorreau, S. Sygletos, F. Parmigiani, D. Hillerkuss, R. Bonk, P. Petropoulos, D. J. Richardson, G. Zarris, D. Simeonidou, D. Klonidis, I. Tomkos, R. Weerasuriya, S. Ibrahim, A. D. Ellis, D. Cotter, R. Morais, P. Monteiro, S. Ben Ezra, S. Tsadka, W. Freude, J. Leuthold, “Optical Grooming Switch with Regenerative Functionality for Transparent Interconnection of Networks”, Optics express, Vol. 17, Issue 17, pp. 15173-15185, (2009).
- A. D. Ellis, D. Cotter, S. Ibrahim, R. Weerasuriya, C. W. Chow, J. Leuthold, W. Freude, S. Sygletos, P. Vorreau, R. Bonk, D. Hillerkuss, I. Tomkos, A. Tzanakaki, C. Kouloumentas, D. J. Richardson, P. Petropoulos, F. Parmigiani, G. Zarris, and D. Simeonidou, “Optical interconnection of core and metro networks”, (Invited), Journal of Optical Networking, Vol 7, Issue 11, 928–935 (2008)
- Dushani R Munasinghe, Gresha S Samarakkody, Sachinthani Alahakoon, Ruwan Weerasuriya, “Gain Performance of Single-Pump Phase Sensitive Amplifier in the Quadratic Gain Regime”, Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon), pp 236-241, IEEE 2020
- Sumali S Morapitiya, Mohammad Furqan Ali, Samikkannu Rajkumar, Sanika K Wijayasekara, Dushantha Nalin K Jayakody, RU Weerasuriya, “A SLIPT-assisted Visible Light Communication Scheme”, 16th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS), pp 368-375, IEEE 2020.
- Gresha S Samarakkody, Dushani Munasinghe, Sachinthani Alahakoon, Ajith Kumarayapa, Ruwan Weerasuriya, “The Behavioral Study of an Optical Injection-Locked Semiconductor Laser under the Influence of Intensity and Phase Noise”, IEEE 5th International Conference on Wireless and Telematics (ICWT), pp. 1-6, IEEE 2019
- Dulanja Samudika, Lahiru Jayasinghe, Kasun E Gunathilaka, Y Rumesh, Ruwan Weerasuriya, Dileeka Dias, “Stereo audio streaming via Visible Light”, Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon), pp. 132-136, IEEE 2016
- Stylianos Sygletos, Selwan Ibrahim, Ruwan Weerasuriya, Richard Phelan, Lars Grüner-Nielsen, “Dual pump wave generation from NRZ-ASK signal enabling a “black-box phase sensitive amplifier”, Toggle navigation ΤΕΙ Of Athens. 2015
- Lakmini Malasinghe, Ruwan Weerasuriya, “Modeling of Optical Carrier Recovery using Four Wave Mixing Technique for Binary Phase Shift Keying Systems”, Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon), pp. 251-254, IEEE 2015,
- S.K.Ibrahim, S.Sygletos, R. Weerasuriya, A.D. Ellis, “Real-time self-homodyne coherent receiver for BPSK signals using feed-forward carrier extraction”,CLEO, JWA15, 2011
- S.Sygletos, S.K. Ibrahim, R. Weerasuriya, R. Phelan, L.G. Nielsen, A. Bogris, J. O’Gorman, A.D. Ellis, “Dual pump wave generation from NRZ-ASK signal enabling a “black-box” phase sensitive amplifier”, OFC, OWL7, 2011
- R. Weerasuriya, Stylianos Sygletos, Selwan K. Ibrahim, Andrew D. Ellis, Richard Phelan, James O’Gorman, John O’Carroll, Brian Kelly, “Generation of frequency symmetric signals from a BPSK input for Phase Sensitive Amplification”, OFC’10, OWT6,(2010).
- F. Parmigiani1, R. Slavík, J. Kakande, C.Lundström , M. Sjödin, P. Andrekson, R. Weerasuriya, S. Sygletos, A.D. Ellis, L. Grüner-Nielsen, D. Jakobsen, S. Herstrøm, R. Phelan, J. O’Gorman, A. Bogris, D. Syvridis, S. Dasgupta, P. Petropoulos, D.J. Richardson,”All-optical phase regeneration of 40Gbit/s DPSK signals in a black-box phase sensitive amplifier”, Proc. OFC’10, PDPC3 (2010).
- F. Parmigiani, R. Slavik, J. Kakande, L. Gruner-Nielsen, D. Jakobsen, S. Herstrom, R. Weerasuriya, S. Sygletos, A.D. Ellis, P. Petropoulos, D.J. Richardson,”All-optical signal processing in highly nonlinear fibres,” OECC (invited), 2010, pp. 486-487.
- S. Sygletos, R. Weerasuriya, S. Ibrahim, F. Gunning, A. Ellis,R. Phelan, J. O’Gorman, J. O’Carroll, B. Kelly, “A novel method of pump and idler signal generation for nondegenerate FWM based phase sensitive amplification”, CLEO 2010
- F. Parmigiani, R. Slavík, J. Kakande, L. Grüner-Nielsen, D. Jakobsen, S. Herstrøm, R. Weerasuriya, S. Sygletos, A. D. Ellis, P. Petropoulos, D. J. Richardson, “All-Optical Phase and Amplitude Regeneration of a 40Gbit/s DPSK Black-Box Phase Sensitive Amplifier”, ECOC 2010, pp. 116-118.
- Stylianos Sygletos, Ruwan Weerasuriya, Selwan K. Ibrahim, Fatima Gunning, Richard Phelan, James O’Gorman, John O’Carrol, Brian Kelly, Antonis Bogris, Dimitris Syvridis, Carl Lundström, Peter Andrekson, Francesca Parmigiani, David J. Richardson, Andrew D. Ellis, “Phase Locking and Carrier Extraction Schemes for Phase Sensitive Amplification”, ICTON 2010, MO.C1.3 (Invited)
- S. K. Ibrahim, S. Sygletos, R. Weerasuriya, A. D. Ellis,”Novel Carrier Extraction Scheme for Phase Modulated Signals Using Feed-Forward Based Modulation Stripping”, ECOC 2010, pp. 661-663.
- A.D. Ellis, F.C.Garcia Gunning, J. Zhao, S.K. Ibrahim, P. Frascella, N. MacSuibhne, F. Parmigiani, R. Slavík, J. Kakande, C. Lundström , M. Sjödin, P. Andrekson, R. Weerasuriya, S. Sygletos, L. Grüner-Nielsen, D. Jakobsen, S. Herstrøm, R. Phelan, J. O’Gorman, A. Bogris, D. Syvridis, S. Dasgupta, P. Petropoulos, and D.J. Richardson, “Future Directions to Realize Ultra-High Bit-Rate Transmission Systems”, Proceedings of Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference, OECC 2010, Sapporo, Japan, 5-9 July 2010, Invited paper 8B3-1.
- J. Leuthold, R. Bonk, P. Vorreau, S. Sygletos, D. Hillerkuss, W. Freude, G. Zarris, D. Simeonidou, C. Kouloumentas, M. Spyropoulou, I. Tomkos, F. Parmigiani, P. Petropoulos, D.J. Richardson, R. Weerasuriya, S. Ibrahim, A.D. Ellis, R. Morais, P. Monteiro, S. Ben Ezra, S. Tsadka, “All-Optical Grooming for 100 Gbit/s Ethernet”, SPIE Photonics West Conference, 23 – 28 January 2010, The Moscone Center, San Francisco, California, United States, Invited Paper 7621-7.
- R. Weerasuriya, S.K. Ibrahim, A.D.Ellis, D.Hillerkuss and D. Cotter, “Chromatic Dispersion Tolerance of 42.65Gbit/s Dual Gate Asynchronous Digital Optical Regenerator”, Photonics Ireland, A44, (2009)
- G. Zarris, F. Parmigiani, E. Hugues-Salas, R. Weerasuriya, D. Hillerkuss, N.A. Gonzalez, M. Spyropoulou, P. Vorreau, R. Morais, S.K. Ibrahim, D. Klonidis, P. Petropoulos, A.D. Ellis, P. Monteiro, A. Tzanakaki, D. Richardson, I. Tomkos, R. Bonk, W. Freude, J. Leuthold, D. Simeonidou, “Field Trial of WDM/OTDM Transmultiplexing Employing Photonic Switch Fabric-Based Buffer-less Bit-Interleaved Data Grooming and All-Optical Regeneration”, OFC’09 , PDPC10, (2009)
- G. Zarris, P. Vorreau, D. Hillerkuss, S. K. Ibrahim, R. Weerasuriya, A. D. Ellis, J. Leuthold, D. Simeonidou, “WDM-to-OTDM Traffic Grooming by Means of Asynchronous Retiming”, OFC , OThJ6 (2009)
- J. Leuthold, R. Bonk, P. Vorreau, S. Sygletos,D. Hillerkuss, W. Freude, G. Zarris, D. Simeonidou, C. Kouloumentas, M. Spyropoulou, I. Tomkos, F. Parmigiani, P. Petropoulos, D.J. Richardson, R. Weerasuriya, S. Ibrahim, A.D. Ellis, C. Meuer, D. Bimberg, R. Morais, P. Monteiro, S. Ben-Ezra, S. Tsadka, “An all-optical grooming switch with regenerative capabilities”, ICTON,2009, Page(s):1 – 4
- P. Vorreau, D. Hillerkuss, S. Sygletos, R. Bonk, F. Parmigiani, P. Petropoulos, D. Richardson, G. Zarris, D. Simeonidou, D. Klonidis, I. Tomkos, R. Weerasuriya, S. Ibrahim, A. Ellis, R. Morais, P. Monteiro, S. Ben Ezra, S. Tsadka, W. Freude, J. Leuthold, “2R/3R optical grooming switch with time-slot interchange”, ECOC, Th.3.F.4, (2008)
- S. K. Ibrahim, D. Hillerkuss, R. Weerasuriya, G. Zarris, D. Simeonidou, J. Leuthold, A. Ellis, “Novel 42.65 Gbit/s Dual Gate Asynchronous Digital Optical Regenerator Using a Single MZM”, ECOC 2008, Paper Tu.4.D.3
- S. K. Ibrahim, R. Weerasuriya, D. Hillerkuss, G. Zarris, D. Simeonidou, J. Leuthold, D. Cotter, A. Ellis, “Experimental Demonstration of 42.6 Gbit/s Asynchronous Digital Optical Regenerators”, ICTON, Paper We.C3.3, 22-26 June 2008 (Invited)
- J. Leuthold, W. Freude, S. Sygletos, P. Vorreau, R. Bonk, D. Hillerkuss, I. Tomkos, A. Tzanakaki, C. Kouloumentas, D.J. Richardson, P. Petropoulos, F. Parmigiani, A. Ellis, D. Cotter, S. Ibrahim, R. Weerasuriya, “An all-optical grooming switch to interconnect access and metro ring networks”, Proc ICTON’08, Athens, Greece, Invited Paper We.C3.4, (2008).
2021 – Ongoing | Polarization Insensitive, Phase-sensitive amplifier for phase Regeneration
New standards have been released recently for increasing the data rates used in optical fiber core and metro networks operating at 100 Gbps. 100 Gbps systems employ DP-QPSK schemes and some of the 40 Gbps optical networks are operating in (D)PSK/QPSK schemes. Therefore, this research focuses on extracting phase information from a degraded phase modulated signal which will be useful in optical detection and regeneration schemes. This research is funded by National Research Council (NRC) research grants.
2021 – Ongoing | Phase-sensitive amplifier – Characterization of signal Regeneration
Phase-sensitive amplification is a widely considered regeneration technique, which has the capability of preserving the phase and amplitude information for both amplitude and phase-modulated signals. With the introduction of the new standards in transmission at 100 Gbps, the transmission and modulation schemes developed are DP-QPSK schemes and some of the 40 Gbps optical networks are operating in (D)PSK/QPSK schemes. Therefore, this research focuses on phase-sensitive regeneration schemes which are capable of regenerating both amplitude and phase of a degraded phase modulated signal contaminated with different linear and non-linear impairment and limits of the regenerator. This research is funded by National Research Council (NRC) research grants.
2021 – Ongoing | Visible Light Communication architectures for data transfer and power transfer
Visible Light Communication (VLC) is a neoteric technology and aroused great attention in the last decade due to the rapid developments in Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) fabrication. Bandwidth, efficiency, availability, and security of VLC make them promise residential lighting equipment as well as an alternative cheap and fast data transfer equipment together with power harnessing.
2021 – Ongoing | Visible Light Communication – Investigation of applicability and performance of higher-order modulation schemes with scrambling techniques.
Challenges in RF and Wi-Fi systems have led telecommunication researchers to look for other alternatives to provide a high-quality data transmission experience with less cost. This is the reason for the booming of Visible Light Communication (VLC) as a competitive technology. VLC is generally known to be a communication between a transmitter and a receiver using the visible light spectrum by the deployment of LEDs or Laser diodes as light sources and Photodiodes or image sensors as light sensors. Several application areas such as indoor, outdoor, vehicle-to-vehicle, underwater, medical, indoor positioning, and navigation have been under research because different performance metrics are important for different applications. Huge attention has been attracted for indoor applications, as the majority of the future VLC systems are forecasted to be deployed for retail and electronic devices. As the typical modulation bandwidth of the commercially available LEDs ranges in few MHz, a fundamental limitation on achieving the required high data rates and spectral efficiency in VLC has been identified. This is the reason why the modulation scheme implemented in VLC has significant importance. This is the root cause for the researchers to come up with a vast range of modulation schemes classified under single carrier, multi-carrier, and colour domain categories. This research is focusing on the application and investigation of the capabilities of higher-order modulation schemes in conduction with scrambling techniques for secure communication.
2021 – Ongoing | Visible Light Communication – Investigation of applicability and performance of higher order modulation schemes with scrambling techniques.
VLC is generally known to be a communication between a transmitter and a receiver using the visible light spectrum by deployment of LEDs or Laser diodes as light sources and Photodiodes or image sensors as light sensors. Several application areas such as indoor, outdoor, vehicle-to-vehicle, underwater, medical, indoor positioning and navigation has been under research due to the fact that different performance metrics are import for different applications. As the typical modulation bandwidth of the commercially available LEDs ranges in few MHz, a fundamental limitation on achieving the required high data rates and spectral efficiency in VLC have been identified. This is the root cause for the researchers to come up with a vast range of modulation schemes classified under single carrier, multi-carrier and colour domain categories. This research is focusing on the application and investigation of about the capabilities of higher order modulation schemes in conduction with scrambling techniques for secure communication.
2018 – Ongoing | Visible Light Communication architectures for data transfer and power transfer
Visible Light Communication (VLC) is a neoteric technology and aroused great attention in the last decade due to the rapid developments in Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) fabrication. Bandwidth, efficiency, availability, and security of VLC make them promise residential lighting equipment as well as an alternative cheap and fast data transfer equipment together with power harnessing. An interesting application of VLC is Simultaneous Lightwave Information and Power Transfer (SLIPT). Harvesting energy from the surrounding environment is important and practical solution for the Internet of Things (IoT) devices. The energy can be harvested while decoding the information carries in VLC. SLIPT and SWIPT technologies are used power splitting receiver architecture for harvest the energy. This research is envisaged to investigate the performance and efficiencies of the two receiver technologies.
2018 – 2021 | Optical injection locking and characterization for direct modulation in optical communication
(Research grant provided by National Science Foundation, Sri Lanka (NSF)) The project was basically investigated about the properties of injection locking, its locking range and bandwidth of the injection locked laser. Further research was carried to identify how an injection locked laser behaves under the amplitude and phase noise with respect to the locking range and bandwidth.
2015 – 2019 | Polarization Insensitive Phase Sensitive Amplifier for Phase Regeneration
(Research grant provided by National Research Council, Sri Lanka (NRC)) The research project investigates about the options of designing a phase sensitive amplification scheme and options of making it polarization independent using various configurations. Further investigation was carried out on increasing the amplifier gain both in in-phase and quadratic regimes. Also, it investigated ways of mitigating the non-linear noise effects which limits the gain of the amplifier.
2007 – 2010 | Research work carried out in the European projects and Science foundation Ireland (SFI)
TRIUMPH – Design and implementation of 42.7 Gb/s dual-gate “Asynchronous digital optical regenerator (ADORE)”. Collaborative works including field trials on WDM to OTDM converter and Transmultiplexing switch enabling OTDM mesh networking. Euro-fos – ADORE data interoperability and OTDM experiments with field trial. PHASORS – Design and implementation of simultaneous carrier recovery and synchronized pump generation scheme form a carrier-less BPSK data. Collaborative experiments with successful implementation of first black-box regenerative, dual-pump degenerate phase sensitive amplifier (PSA) which regenerate phase and amplitude simultaneously in addition to amplification of 42.7 Gb/s DPSK incoming data.
2006 – 2007 | Design and implementation of an “Optical waveform replicator” used for optical sampling, which will be used in optical monitoring systems in high speed optical/photonic networks.
2002 – 2006 | NMS (Network Monitoring System) – Design and implementation of NMS for microwave transmission network equipment distributed in a mesh network running on different propriety communication protocols.
2001 | Implementation of an in-house programme of retrieving customer details using the designated flags in the telecommunication switch during industrial training at SLT.
1998 – 2002 | Second and final year project – “Grain detector” and “Programmable security alarm”