B.Sc Eng.(Moratuwa), M.B.A(Sri J), C.Eng, MIE(SL)
Designation :
Extension :
My research interests include Technology Management, Industrial Automation, ICT Policy, Telecom Policy, Wireless Applications, Cellular Communication Systems, Terrestrial Communications, Radar and Navigation, Satellite Communication, Broadcast Technologies, and Meditation and Stress Management.
Master of Engineering
University of Sri Jayawardenepura ,2001 Business Administration
Bachelor of Science in Engineering
University of Moratuwa ,1985 Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering
Professional Affiliations
Institution of Engineers
1992 To date
Institution of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
1996 To 2010
Institution of Electrical Engineers
2008 To 2009
A Chartered Engineer, Corporate Member of Institution of Engineers
1992 To date
Member of the Institution of Electrical & Electronic Engineers IEEE
1986 To 1997
Served as a Committee Member of Institution of Electrical Technologies IET Chapter
2008 To 2009
- Electronics 1 -Undergraduate -2015
- Electronics II -Undergraduate -2015
- Telecommunication Systems and Networks -Undergraduate -2015
- Radar and Navigation -Undergraduate -2015
- Meditation and Stress Management -Undergraduate -2015
- Project -Undergraduate -2015
- Telecommunication Technology Management -Postgraduate -2015
- Research Project -Postgraduate -2015
- Skills for Research Project -Postgraduate -2015
- Directed Study -Postgraduate -2015
- Msc Research Project -Postgraduate -2015
Administrative Activities
- Chairman of the Orientation Commitee -Faculty Orientation Program (2013 To 2015)
- Chairman, Orientation Committee – Faculty Orientation Program (2018 To date)
- Head, Department of Elecctronic & Telecom Engineering – (2006 To 2009)
- Director, Zone24x7-UoM Electronic Systems Research Laboratoty – (2012 To 2017)
Books and Book Chapters
- “Sadaham Ru-2”, Paradise Publishers Inc, 2015
- “Sadaham Ru-3”, Paradise Publishers Inc, 2015
- Nihal Kularathna, ” Modern Component Families and Circuit Block Design .”, Newnes, 2000
- Co-authored “Modern Component Families and Circuit Block Design”, with the main author Mr. Nihal Kularatne. Published by Newnes, USA in year 2000 (ISBN 0-7506-9992-2) (Preview of this book available in the internet)
- K Samarasinghe, C Wenk, KFST Silva, JMDM Gunasekera, “Turmeric (Curcuma longa) root powder and mannanoligosaccharides as alternatives to antibiotics in broiler chicken diets”, Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 2003
- Kerstin Samarasinghe, Barbro Arvidsson, “‘It is a different war to fight here in Sweden’–the impact of involuntary migration on the health of refugee families in transition”, Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 2002
- Kerstin Samarasinghe, Bengt Fridlund, Barbro Arvidsson, “Primary health care nurses’ promotion of involuntary migrant families’ health”, International Nursing Review, 2010
- K Samarasinghe, Ruth Messikommer, C Wenk, “Activity of supplemental enzymes and their effect on nutrient utilization and growth performance of growing chickens as affected by pelleting temperature”, Archives of Animal Nutrition, 2000
- GRPI Abeysiri, RM Dharmadasa, DC Abeysinghe, K Samarasinghe, “Screening of phytochemical, physico-chemical and bioactivity of different parts of Acmella oleraceae Murr.(Asteraceae), a natural remedy for toothache”, Industrial crops and products, 2013
- Kerstin Samarasinghe, Bengt Fridlund, Barbro Arvidsson, “Primary health care nurses’ conceptions of involuntarily migrated families’ health”, International Nursing Review, 2006
- Muditha Wagachchige Muthucumarana, Kerstin Samarasinghe, Carina Elgán, “Caring for stroke survivors: experiences of family caregivers in Sri Lanka–a qualitative study”, Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, 2018
- KDKP Kumari, TCS Weerakoon, SM Handunnetti, K Samarasinghe, TS Suresh, “Anti-inflammatory activity of dried flower extracts of Aegle marmelos in Wistar rats”, Journal of ethnopharmacology, 2014
- AS Siriwardane, RM Dharmadasa, Kosala Samarasinghe, “Distribution of withaferin A, an anticancer potential agent, in different parts of two varieties of Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal. grown in Sri Lanka”, Pakistan journal of biological sciences, 2013
- Printha Wijesinghe, SK Shankar, TC Yasha, Catherine Gorrie, Dhammika Amaratunga, Sanjayah Hulathduwa, K Sunil Kumara, Kamani Samarasinghe, Yoo-hun Suh, Harry WM Steinbusch, K Ranil D De Silva, “Vascular contributions in Alzheimer’s disease-related neuropathological changes: First autopsy evidence from a South Asian aging population”, Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 2016
- T Shanmuganathan, K Samarasinghe, Caspar Wenk, “Supplemental Enzymes, Yeast Culture and Effective Micro-organism Cultureto Enhance the Performance of Rabbits Fed Diets Containing High Levels of Rice Bran”, Asian-australasian journal of animal sciences, 2004
- Agneta Abrahamsson, Kerstin Samarasinghe, “Open pre-schools at integrated health services—A program theory”, International Journal of Integrated Care, 2013
- NL Ubhayawardana, MM Weerasekera, D Weerasekera, K Samarasinghe, CP Gunasekera, N Fernando, “Detection of clarithromycin-resistant Helicobacter pylori strains in a dyspeptic patient population in Sri Lanka by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length …”, Indian journal of medical microbiology, 2015
- HMK Akalanka, S Ekanayake, K Samarasinghe, “Could anthropometric and lipid parameters reflect susceptibility to breast cancer? Comparison of newly diagnosed breast cancer and apparently healthy women”, Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention: APJCP, 2018
- Ashanie Guanathillake, Kithsiri Samarasinghe, “Energy Efficient Clustering Algorithm with Global and Local Re-clustering for Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, 2013
- K Samarasinghe, “Feeds and feed formulation for poultry in Sri Lanka”, Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 2007
- K Samarasinghe, C Wenk, “Turmeric (Curcuma longa) and mannan-oligosaccharides as antibiotic replacers in broiler diets”, Optimale Nutzung der Futterressourcen im Zusammenspiel von Berg-und Talgebiet. Ein Beitrag zum Internationalen Jahr der Berge, Schriftenreihe aus dem Institut für Nutztierwissenschaften (Ed. M. Kreuzer, C. Wenk and T. Lanzini), 2002
- AAS Ahmed, R Uptmoor, MA El-Morshidy, KA Kheiralla, MA Ali, Naheif EM Mohamed, “Some Physiological Parameters as Screening Tools for Drought Tolerance in Bread Wheat Lines (Triticum aestivam L.)”, World, 2014
- RM Dharmadasa, RMDH Rathnayake, DC Abeysinghe, SAN Rashani, K Samarasinghe, ALM Attanayake, “Screening of local and introduced varieties of Pogostemon heyneanus Benth.(Lamiaceae), for superior quality physical, chemical and biological parameters”, World, 2014
- Kerstin Linnéa Samarasinghe, “A conceptual model facilitating the transition of involuntary migrant families”, International Scholarly Research Notices, 2011
- Luxmini KPAMK, RM Dharmadasa, K Samarasinghe, PR Muthukumarana, “Comparative pharmacognostic study of different parts of Withania somnifera and its substitute ruellia tuberosa”, World J Agric Res, 2015
- K Printha, Sanjaya R Hulathduwa, K Samarasinghe, YH Suh, KRD De Silva, “Apoptosis in subicular neurons: A comparison between suicide and Addison’s disease”, Indian journal of psychiatry, 2009
- K SAMARASHINGE, C Wenk, “Role supplemental enzymes at how and conventional levels de protein in broiler diets based on cassava and maize”, SYMPOSIUM ENZYMES IN ANIMAL NUTRITION, 1993
- K Samarasinghe, ASB Rajaguru, “Raw and processed wild colocasia corm meal (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott, var. esculenta) as an energy source for broilers”, Animal feed science and technology, 1992
- HS Maliga SK Wijesiri, Kerstin Samarasinghe, Anna‐Karin Edberg, “Loneliness among older people living in care homes in Sri Lanka”, International journal of older people nursing, 2019
- RM Dharmadasa, DAS Siriwardhane, K Samarasinghe, SHCS Rangana, L Nugaliyadda, Indika Gunawardane, AML Aththanayake, “Screening of two Ocimum tenuiflorum L.(Lamiaceae) morphotypes for their morphological characters, essential oil composition and fruit fly attractant ability”, World J. Agric. Res, 2015
- YMP Samarasinghe, NDK Dayawansa, “A remote sensing and GIS based study in assessment of the degradation risk of the Kolonnawa marsh”, Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka, 2013
- KDKP Kumari, TS Suresh, K Samarasinghe, SM Handunnetti, TSP Samaranayake, “Evaluation of a traditional Sri Lankan herbal beverage (water extract of dried flowers of Aegle marmelos, Bael fruit) in type II diabetic patients”, Journal of Diabetes & Metabolism, s4, 2013
- SP Wijetunge, US Wijetunge, GRV Peiris, CS Aluthgedara, ATLK Samarasinghe, “Design and implementation of a bluetooth based general purpose controlling module”, 2008 4th International Conference on Information and Automation for Sustainability, 2008
- Uthpala Premarathne, Upeka Premaratne, Kithsiri Samarasinghe, “Network traffic self similarity measurements using classifier based Hurst parameter estimation”, 2010 Fifth International Conference on Information and Automation for Sustainability, 2010
- KC Amarasinghe, KGAB Peiris, LADMD Thelisinghe, GM Warnakulasuriya, ATLK Samarasinghe, “Comparison of propagation models for Fixed WiMAX system based on IEEE 802.16-2004”, 2009 International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS), 2009
- ALATD Ambegoda, WTS De Silva, KT Hemachandra, TN Samarasinghe, ATLK Samarasinghe, “Centralized traffic controlling system for Sri Lanka railways”, 2008 4th International Conference on Information and Automation for Sustainability, 2008