I am Thilina Sameera from Sri Lanka. I completed my undergraduate studies on Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering at the University of Moratuwa. Currently, I am working as a Lecturer at the Department of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering, University of Moratuwa.
University of Moratuwa
ENTC Homepage
ENTC Resource Archive
Facilitation Center for Advanced Electronics Design
Electronic Design
Texas Instruments, WEBENCH® Power Designer
Analog Devices, Design Center, LTspice
The LaTeX Project
Overleaf, Online, collaborative LaTeX editor
The LaTeX Font Catalogue
- EN2012 Analog Electronics
- EN2852 Applied Electronics
- EN2110 Electronics III (Partial)
- EN4213 Power Electronics
- EN4283 Electronic Applications in Renewable Energy
- BM4111 Biomedical Instrumentation (Partial)
Lab Classes/Tutorials
- Lab Classes/Tutorials
- EN2110 Electronics III
- EN4213 Power Electronics
- BM4111 Biomedical Instrumentation
Honours and Awards
2018 | Best Paper Award, ICPES 2018 For the publication “Family of Boost Converters Based on Switched Coupled Inductor and Voltage Lifter Cell” in 2018 IEEE 8th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems(ICPES 2018) |
2015 | Certificate of Appriciation, TI Innovation Challenge For mentoring students in Texas Instruments Innovation Challenge, India Design Contest 2015 |
2015 | Certificate of Outstanding Achivement, E-Forum For achievement in IEEEXtreme 8.0 |
2014 | Special Recognition, Awards Ceremony, UoM For achievement in IEEEXtreme 8.0 |
2014 | Special Recognition, Awards Ceremony, UoM For achievement in IEEEXtreme 7.0 |
2014 | IEEEXtreme 8.0, World Rank 3, Sri Lanka Rank 1 IEEEXtreme 8.0 programming competition |
2013 | IEEEXtreme 7.0, World Rank 12, Sri Lanka Rank 1 IEEEXtreme 7.0 programming competition |
2012 | IEEEXtreme 6.0, World Rank 3, Sri Lanka Rank 1 IEEEXtreme 6.0 programming competition |
2010 | Migara Ranathunga Trusted Award Awarded for the best undergraduate internship projects in 2010 by the Institue of Engineers, Sri Lanka (IESL) |
- Thilina S Ambagahawaththa, Dulika Rukshan Nayanasiri, Ajith Pasqual, “A Four-step Method to Synthesize a DC-DC Converter for Multi-inductor Realizable Arbitrary Voltage Conversion Ratio”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2021
- D. R. Nayanasiri, Thilina. S. Ambagahawaththa, “Boost converter based on coupled inductor and voltage lift cell”, Region 10 Conference, TENCON 2017 – 2017 IEEE, 2017
- Thusitha N Chandrapala, LMAP Cabral, Sapumal Ahangama, Thilina S Ambagahawaththa, Jayathu G Samarawickrama, “Hardware implementation of motion blur removal”, 22nd International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL), 2012
- Thilina S Ambagahawaththa, DR Nayanasiri, Ajith Pasqual, SG D Jayasinghe, “An Analytical Method to Derive a DC-DC Converter for an Arbitrary Voltage Conversion Ratio”, 2018 8th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems (ICPES), 2018
- Thilina S Ambagahawaththa, DR Nayanasiri, SG D Jayasinghe, “Family of Boost Converters Based on Switched Coupled Inductor and Voltage Lifter Cell”, 2018 8th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems (ICPES), 2018
- Thilina S Ambagahawaththa, DR Nayanasiri, SDG Jayasinghe, “Ultra-high Step-up DC-DC Converter Family Based on Feed-forward Capacitor and Coupled Inductor”, 2018 IEEE 27th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), 2018